POLiTiCaL UFO Contact?

Sebastian Bulos Giha
2 min readDec 11, 2020


In these past days ufo enthusiasts all around the globe have seen news headings like “Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it”, or even “Aliens and ‘Galactic Federation’ exist, ex-Israeli space chief claims”, it’s a clear new step of this long ladder we call Disclosure.

Professor Haim Eshed, ex Israeli space security chief, who wrote a book about space and other info he has learned from his own career ,says very revealing things “the ufo’s have asked not to publish their presence here, humanity aint ready just yet, Donald Trump was about to reveal that info to the world but the“Galatic Federation” extraterrestrial members have advised to take it slow so they don’t create a global histeria.

They been waiting humanity to develop a common sense about the origin of the ships and beigns,”They” even signed contract with U.S.A and Israel so they can do experiments here ( Could this be the origin of all these abductions we had in worldwide population? ) they want us as helpers and there’s even an underground base in Mars were their representatives are located, even with our own astronauts as visitors in Mars, this last information is very intense to accept but coming from someone who has this level of information then we could be facing REAL facts.

The ships, UAPs videos we’ve seen and such could be a taste of this truth, contactees around the world also share their own beliefs and experiences, just like myself who have seen the unexplainable, not once but dozens of rare ships and humanoid beigns in Perú. ( one of the hottest hot spots of ufology ).

Could these bases have “tall whites” or “grey” aliens as their residents? are these people from other planets just investigating reality and the multiverse just like we do ? or do they have a more important and secret plan about it all?

Ex Canadian ministers and many more important people have been informing us about this reality “drop by drop” , many of us won’t see , maybe we should put the smartphones and playstations down a bit more and connect with the skies and our inner self.

